The University of Vedic Astrology was founded by Joni Patry.
- The entire university if self-paced and entirely online full of students and tutors from around the world.
- There are 6 semesters with 8 lessons each you must complete for full certification. The first 5 semesters have a test after each lesson. You will work with your tutor who will grade your test and help you with any questions you may have. Once you have completed the first 5 semesters, you can take the 6th semester, where you work with Joni directly on 7 assignments and a live reading.
- There are live webinars you may join every other week, all of which are recorded if you wish to watch later.
- We also have a free monthly book club and I offer discounts for astrological conferences where you can meet more like-minded souls.
- Students are encouraged to join the University of Vedic Astrology student forum on WhatsApp to communicate with and learn from each other.
- You can pay semester by semester, but when you pay up front for the entire University, you save $1,000. Also, when you have paid for all the semesters you can listen in on any of the live webinars regardless of what semester you are taking tests in. Students often tell me this is one of the biggest benefits of paying up front!
- If you follow along with the group of students that attend the Live webinars for each semester, each semester takes 8 weeks to complete. We have small breaks at some points to allow some that have fallen behind to catch up. When you follow the group the entire certification takes about one year, but always remember you can go at your own pace and take a shorter amount of time or longer.
- Within 24 hours of signing up, you will get a welcome note and links and passwords to enter the University website.
- Once you are a graduate of The University of Vedic Astrology, you may become a tutor. You are also encouraged to write articles for Astrologic Magazine and begin your own platform and astrological business.
- Many of our students have gone on to create thriving businesses offering various astrological services.
- Additionally, graduates are encouraged to create their own platform of classes on UVA. Shreekala Ram has done this with her Jaimini courses.
Joni is a Vedic Sidereal astrologer. Vedic astrology called Jyotish (Science of Light) is the ancient astrology from India that uses the sidereal system of astrology. Sideral means star and this system takes into account the backward movement of the stars according to Precession of the equinoxes. It is astronomically correct. Western tropical astrology is actually off by 24 degrees astronomically according to the stars. The Vedic system is incredibly accurate for prediction as it is based on the stars which are relative to the 27 nakshatras. These 27 portions of the zodiac (nakshatras 13.20 degrees) derive their meanings from the stars. Joni practiced western astrology professionally for 20 years, but became awakened by using Vedic astrology over the past 25 years.Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows.
As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey, India, Austria, England and Canada.
She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman’s Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani.
Joni feels her greatest accomplishment is her online school for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.
She also publishes a Research Journal with her students for the University of Vedic astrology (UVA). She also publishes an online astrological magazine
Astrologic Magazine : http://astrologicmagazine.com/Personal Website: www.galacticcenter.orgAPP: Joni Patry Daily Astrology https://apps.apple.com/us/app/joni-patry-daily-astrology/id1471002743Facebook: Joni Patry Vedic AstrologerTwitter @jonipatryWikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joni_PatryRecently she designed her own personal spiritual jewelry line called “Joni Patry, by Satya”
Joni’s Recent Predictions BEFORE they happened!
- President Trump would get the Coronavirus (2020)
- Coronavirus (2019)
- Bitcoin (2017)
- New French President (2017)
- Trump wins the election (2016)
- Secrets and Scandals on the Clintons (2016)
- Coupe in Istanbul, Turkey (2016)
- Attack in Paris (2015)
- Air Disaster with Malaysian Airlines (2014)
- Attack in Egypt (2013)
- Protest in Istanbul (2013)
- Earthquake in Japan (2011)
- Vedic track coordinator for UAC (United Astrology Conference) - Chicago 2018.
- Faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for the online College and certification programs
- 2015 Jyotish Star of the year recipient
- Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani
- Publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine
- Teaches her own online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology
- Wikipedia Page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joni_Patry
- Interviewed by International Fox News on predictions for the Presidential race
- Featured guest on the nationally syndicated radio/internet show, Coast to Coast
- Regular television appearances on Good Morning Texas (an ABC affiliate)
- Television appearances on” Saba” in Istanbul, Turkey
- Interviewed on the YouTube channel KRS
- Joni Patry Youtube Channel: Millions of views (increasing daily) and nearly 8,000 daily subscribers
- GetAstrologicNow Youtube Channel: World Predictions 2014 -2017 (nearly 400,000 total views)
- Featured in Faces, a widely circulated Turkish magazine
- 4 books published on Amazon and translated in Turkish
- Japanese Website
- Joni publicly predicted the Japanese earthquake one month before it happened in March 2011
- Published in Saptarishis Astrology, an annual multi-lingual astrological e-magazine read in 120 countries
- Keynote speaker for national and international conferences, and has been on national television and radio programs as an authority on both Western and Vedic astrology.
- BAVA (British Association of Vedic Astrology)- London, England
- ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research)- Chicago, IL, Orange County, CA
- UAC (United Astrology Conference)- Denver, CO, New Orleans, LA
- NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research) Philadelphia, PA
- BDTB (Breaking Down The Borders) International Online Conference
- ACVA (International Symposiums for the American Council of Vedic Astrology)- Sedona, AZ, Kauai, HI
- Eastern Astrology for Western Minds - Dallas, TX
- Holistic Inner Science Conference – Houston, TX
- Holistic Science Conference- Oak Ridge, TN
- The Blast- Sedona, AZ
- CVA (Council of Vedic Astrology)- Seattle, WA
- 36th Annual International Astrology and Oriental Heritage Conference, Kolkata, India